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Год обнародования песни: 2023
Исполнители композиции:
Авторы текста (поэты):
Синицын Николай
Авторы музыки (композиторы):
Тимошкин Евгений
Правообладатели фонограммы:
Жанр и стили композиции:
metal, alternative metal, modern metal
Каналы, действия и эмоции:
Штормовые Ветра

Для голосования онлайн нужна регистрация или отправьте SMS-сообщение на номер +790 325 111 34 с текстом: ANGELS [пробел] 117 (подробности здесь).

| Оценка композиции: Хорошая оценка от нескольких слушателей

Wounded arms
Pale weak knees
Endless day of dark and fears
Million stars run through my veins
Tranqulize or kill these chains

And euphoria leads away, like angelic choir sing an elegy

Fall apart
The only way to see you disappear
Falling down
Road to the last unwilling breathe

I'm following her soft voice into the lavender fog
It's not tried and true
The night she'll never see
The night before salvation
We treat each other for incurable diseases
Numb the ache, step aside
And the skies turn stillness
When I caught you there
I thought felt you
You are the faded mist
When your silent cry subsides
Will I overcome

Fall apart
The only way to see you disappear
But falling bird is still beautiful
Wind draws its death with broken wings
Falling down
We will remain the dew on summer grass
(Falling down)
Life must be sentenced to rise and fall
Road to the last unwilling breathe

June bird
That burned its own disheveled feathers
And returned
To show the way that really matters

June bird
That burned its own disheveled feathers
And returned
To show the way that really matters

And euphoria leads away, like angelic choir sing an elegy

Fall apart
The only way to see you disappear
But falling bird is still beautiful
Wind draws its death with broken wings
Falling down
We will remain the dew on summer grass
(Falling down)
Life must be sentenced to rise and fall
Road to the last unwilling breathe
Let me drown
Push me out

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