«Stay a Little While»
Год обнародования песни: 2024
Исполнители композиции:
Авторы текста (поэты):
Morck Olof Nils, Ryd Elise Hanna Isabell Maj Hoestbl
Авторы музыки (композиторы):
Morck Olof Nils, Ryd Elise Hanna Isabell Maj Hoestbl
Правообладатели фонограммы:
Nuclear Blast
Жанр и стили композиции:
alternative metal, melodic metal, electronic
Каналы, действия и эмоции:
Штормовые Ветра
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Did you know a soul could love someone completely
Just the way I do with you?
All the shadows from the past are here beside you
But there's nothing I would do
If I didn't love them too
I wouldn't love all of you
Stay a little while
Hold a little longer
And believe I'm here to stay
I wanted you to feel
All my inspiration
As the mornings drift away
I wanted you to stay
To take away my pain
Stay a little while
I was told life and destiny can change us
By the shadows we have known
But now I know I could never be without you
And you'll never walk alone
Shape a history of me and you
Together we can see it through
Stay a little while
Hold a little longer
And believe I'm here to stay
I wanted you to feel
All my inspiration
As the mornings drift away
I wanted you to stay
To take away my pain
Stay a little while
Stay a little while
Hold a little longer
And believe I'm here to stay
I wanted you to feel
All my inspiration
As the mornings drift away
I wanted you to stay
To take away my pain
Oh, to take away my pain
I wanted you to feel
All my inspiration
As the mornings drift away
I wanted you to stay
To take away my pain
Stay a little while
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