Год обнародования песни: 2024
Исполнители композиции:
Fibi Band
Авторы текста (поэты):
Нечаева Анна Евгеньевна
Авторы музыки (композиторы):
Морай Дмитрий Петрович
Правообладатели фонограммы:
Нечаева Анна Евгеньевна
Жанр и стили композиции:
Каналы, действия и эмоции:
Тренировка, Путешествие, Вечеринка, Штормовые Ветра, Энергичное
Для голосования онлайн нужна регистрация или отправьте SMS-сообщение на номер +790 325 111 34 с текстом: ANGELS [пробел] 267 (подробности здесь).
| Оценка композиции: Хорошая оценка от нескольких слушателей
The more you resist
The more pressure you are under
The more you take a risk
The more you wonder
I know you want revenge
And you'll have a chance
You walk on the edge
it's a dubious privilege
What you give is what you get
Everything will come back
Like a boomerang
You'll never guess what, where and when
But when it happens
You will understand
You'll understand
If you want to win
You need to know the rules
The truth is somewhere in between
But you have clues
I know you want revenge
And you'll have a chance
You walk on the edge
it's a dubious privilege
What you give is what you get
Everything will come back
Like a boomerang
You'll never guess what, where and when
But when it happens
You will understand
You'll understand
Cause what you give is what you get
Everything will come back
Like a boomerang
It's something that can't be denied
But you can decide
There are always different ways
The more you give, the more you get
You get tangled in this web
Your trust has been betrayed
It was a dirty game
It was a dirty game
You didn't get your aim
It was a dirty game
I know you want revenge
And you'll have a chance
You walk on the edge
it's a dubious privilege
What you give is what you get
Everything will come back
Like a boomerang
You'll never guess what, where and when
But when it happens
You will understand
You'll surely understand
It's your boomerang
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