«Black Water»
Год обнародования песни: 2024
Исполнители композиции:
Hover Bird
Авторы текста (поэты):
Баязитова Влада, Егупова Евангелина
Авторы музыки (композиторы):
Баязитова Влада, Егупова Евангелина, Алексеенко Евгения, Алпатов Егор
Правообладатели фонограммы:
Баязитова Влада
Жанр и стили композиции:
alternative rock
Каналы, действия и эмоции:
Грустное, Сентиментальное, Любовь, Путешествие, Штормовые Ветра
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| Оценка композиции: Отличная оценка от нескольких слушателей
Somehow I've missed the moment
When all the things went wrong
The one who brings me torment
Has been my god for so long
That eyes I liked to dive in
And lost myself within
Black water, toxic water
Brings poison through the skin
Now whispers in my ears
Call deamons in my head
And it's so hard to breath
My thoughts are such a mess
I came too close to limit
I'm standing here and laugh
I've nothing more to give you
But you'll never be enough
More words have less meaning
The truth I'm here to face -
The End brings new beginning
That's how I stop this chase
Cold depth and hellfire
And I am in between
Black water, holy water
Will save me
Enslaved by your own deamons
You make me realise
That you're just a Master
Of your burned paradise
I feel your breath behind me
I know what it could mean
Steep cliff and black water
Awaits to take me in
Awaits to take me in
Awaits to take me in
Black water
Cover me
Black water
Set me free
Black water
Black water
I can breathe
More words have less meaning
The truth I'm here to face -
The End brings new beginning
That's how I stop this chase
Cold depth and hellfire
And I am in between
Black water, holy water
Will save me