Abyss Watching Me - «Like Knives»

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«Like Knives»
Год обнародования песни: 2022
Исполнители композиции:
Abyss Watching Me
Авторы текста (поэты):
Ерушин Егор
Авторы музыки (композиторы):
Becvar Vaclav
Правообладатели фонограммы:
Abyss Watching Me
Жанр и стили композиции:
alternative metal, metalcore
Каналы, действия и эмоции:
Штормовые Ветра

Для голосования онлайн нужна регистрация или отправьте SMS-сообщение на номер +790 325 111 34 с текстом: ANGELS [пробел] 58 (подробности здесь).

| Рейтинг симпатии: Смешанная оценка от нескольких слушателей

It just comes and goes
Sometimes you feel you can't keep moving on
Or you will crumble down
Your frustration grows
You feel you are not normal anymore
Is anyone out there to help you?

Just be yourself for once
Before you let this go
Find the strength to move on
Keep it close 'til it's all gone
Just be yourself for once
Before you let this go
All the regrets and the feelings
They're cutting you like knives
But the life goes on

Hey God, if you exist
Didn't this soul suffer enough?
Heal its wounds, take its hands
Make its life worth living again

So the days go by
And you're feeling worse
Can not chase away
Self-destructive thoughts

Just be yourself for once
Before you let this go
Find the strength to move on
Keep it close 'til it's all gone
Just be yourself for once
Before you let this go
All the regrets and the feelings
They're cutting you like knives
But the life goes on

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